Exploring the ins and outs of Fatty Liver 

Symptoms, testing, and treatment options 

Man runningMan runningMan running

Are you experiencing any warning signs of liver disease?

Do not let fatty liver disease sneak up on you – stay vigilant and take immediate action if you notice any concerning symptoms. Why do I say this? With Fatty Liver you have no symptoms until it has progressed to cirrhosis after many years of NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease). NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) is the progression of NAFLD with inflammation to the liver before cirrhosis, with severe scarring to your liver.

  1. Tiredness
  2. Pain on the upper right side of your abdomen
  3. Additionally, being physically active reduces risks for other health conditions like metabolic syndrome, arthritis, stroke, osteoporosis, and some cancers.
  4. Swollen belly
  5. Nausea
  6. Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss
  7. Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)
  8. Bruise and bleeding easily
  9. Spider Veins (spider-like veins just under surface of skin)
  10. Behavior changes, confusion, or slurred speech
illustration of liver

What diagnostic tools are commonly used when testing and following fatty liver disease?

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Well, this holds true with activity and sleep. Doctors have not pinpointed the exact reason behind this fact, but research has shown that people who are physically active do sleep better. For example, doing resistance exercises at least 3 times a week will give you a better quality of sleep.

  1. Evaluation with physician (medical history and physical exam)
  2. Blood tests like lipid panel and liver function tests
  3. Imaging like a FibroScan and MRE
  4. Liver biopsy (when a sample of the liver tissue is collected and examined)

What steps can you take to treat your fatty liver disease?

  1. Weight Loss: Increase physical activity and improve nutrition. Ensure you are making healthy food choices, a healthy diet like the Mediterranean Diet is highly recommended. It is important to remember that fasting is not recommended because it can worsen NAFLD.
  2. Take medications as your doctor has prescribed them and do not take herbal supplements or over the counter medications without speaking with your doctor
  3. Treat your high blood sugar and high cholesterol
  4. Control your diabetes
  5. Avoid alcohol and quit smoking
  6. Vaccinate against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
  7. Liver transplant may be an option for a patient with cirrhosis
  8. Awesome STAT Fact: Patients will see risk factor improvement with 3-5% weight loss!
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